


16 December 2011

How to make a film

Filmmaking  tips & tracks:
Filmmaking is the method of a film.  From an initial story, impression, though scriptwriting, casting, shooting, directing, editing, and screening the finished product before a spectators that may result in a dramatic release or TV program.  Filmmaking takes apartment all over the world in a vast kind of economic, social, and political situations, and using a diversity of skills and cinematic methods.

How to make a film
(very important for beginner Filmmaking)

Do you want to make movies but you haven’t any idea about it. Don’t worry, here a few useful tips & steps to make a film by working on your editing, camera movements, story line, characters, scenes, a video camera, and writing skills.

 1. At first you should chose a genre and what kind of movie you wanted to make (horror, science fiction, action, drama, Romantic, fiction, non-fiction, etc.)

2. Collect related film-making books, documentaries watch similar movies to the one, etc.

3. Don’t confuse a about your narrative, Narratives tell the story with characters and plans, so you can make a real life incident into a narrative

4. Agree on a subject or plan. Making a film about something you know is a good way to start. If you're eager and well-informed about the story, it will seem to your spectators. Make sure you're very expressive about what the movie is really about wanted to make.

5. Write a script and you can submit your script to a professional. Gather some tips and tricks from him.

6. Find actors into your budget films. Obviously, it would be beneficial to have a well-known name starring in your movie.

7. Location watches to find a place and agree on the time to shoot it.

8. Before your listed shoot, test your instrument. You will need a video camera and tripod, additional microphones, lighting instrument, and spare tapes etc.

9. Take your footage to your computer and edit it. Cut out the unnecessary parts.

10. Add special effects and music & other external footage. Make sure that your music streams during the movie at every second. It gives the movie a sensitive attitude. Music influences the spectators’ feelings & those feelings are positive term for your film.

11. Chose a suitable titles for you movie. You should remember that movie title is very effective for a movie. So be careful to make your movie title. Create another tiles list in your movie, for those honorable people who ware helped you to success your movie and make a movie trailer to influence spectators mind.

12. Export your movie into a suitable format & Chose a good day to realize your movie.
13. Make a short budget to advertise your movie & inquire a distributor to release your film.

NB: If possible, you can upload your movie trailer in internet to get more familiar.


Anonymous said...

I think beginner Film-making should read it.

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