Hey guys this article is about High-key, Low-key & Harsh lighting tutorial. It's very impotent for beginner filmmaker to help his/her lighting setup.
High-key lighting: High-key lighting is a smartness of lighting for film, TV, or shooting those goals to decrease the lighting ratio present in the scene. High-key was formerly done moderately for technological aims, since early film and TV did not contract well with high contrast ratios, but now is used to advise a happy mood. It is often used in sitcoms and entertainments. High-key lighting is usually quite similar and free from dark. The language of High-key lighting comes from the key light.
Low-key lighting: Low-key lighting is a smartness of lighting for photography, film or TV. It is a necessary element in creating a chiaroscuro effect. Traditional photographic lighting, three-point lighting uses a key light, a fill light, and a back light for illumination. Low-key lighting often uses only one key light, optionally controlled with a fill light or a simple reflector. The term "low key" is used in cinematography to refer to any scene with a high lighting ratio, especially if there is a predominance of shadowy areas. It tends to heighten the sense of alienation felt by the viewer, hence is commonly used in film noir and horror genres.
Harsh light: Harsh light is a smartness of lighting for photography, film or TV. It's using for upcoming dangerous moment or frustration moment in a film. The shot usually take in a mid day using by top sun.
Harsh light
tutorial 1
Harsh light
tutorial 2